Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Juicy!!!

Today my little blue-eyed baby turned ONE! 

We celebrated with a big party over the weekend so today was pretty low-key.  Since it was Ryan's first day of pre-k 3, I had the whole day with my little birthday boy! We didn't really do that much - it was too hot to get outside but we did go to his first day of Little Gym AND he loved it! Other than that we played up a storm, ate a yummy dinner and celebrated with cupcakes for desert. Of course we all sang to him again - which he totally loves. It's adorable. 

Tomorrow we have his one year appointment and his FIRST day of MDO. goodness! 

Until then...here are some more pictures from his one year photo shoot with Chelle Cates!

Love you bunches!
xoxo, mommy

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