Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Little Bug!

My sweet little man turned three on the 24th of July! We celebrated his birthday with a train party the Sunday before because we left for Montana on his actual birthday.

On his birthday he woke up and ran through his door decorated with streamers (leftover from his birthday party decorations). He LOVED it!

And we headed downstairs for a french toast birthday breakfast!

 Then he opened up a couple little gifts

And we headed to the airport! He loved flying with his cousins so it actually was a pretty cool birthday for him! 

Gigi and Papa had cupcakes waiting for the birthday boy. Since we were going on no nap and an hour time change (wohoo extra hour for his b-day) he was a little touch and go at the end of the day. When we started singing to him he screamed no and swiped his lit birthday cupcake on to the floor...then started crying because it was on the floor. #threeyearoldproblems

Of course Gigi and Papa had some fun gifts for him to open!

And then it was time for bed! Gigi read Audrey and Ryan and he loved it! Such a fun birthday!

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