Sunday, August 25, 2013

Birthday Girl

that's me. big smile.

I do love birthdays. I love a reason to get together with friends and family. I love to throw parties. And I love me some cake. Yum!  I have been so busy with decorating the house, planning Ryan and Grayson's birthday parties that I really didn't think much about my birthday...I isn't really all that exciting after all. But then my birthday rolls along and I am reminded of (once again) how great my friends and family are...I mean even when its just a regular ol' birthday everyone always makes me feel so darn special!

I was super excited to have my BFF (Mk and her family) from Houston come up! They arrived late Friday evening...the ride up was a little rough - Thompson got three times. Yikes! Once they arrived we got the kids all situated and in bed and were able to enjoy a few adult beverages and chat. On Saturday we hung around the house during the day then Mk, Caroline and I snuck off to get a much needed pedicure. We had sitters come at 6pm and we were out the door at 7pm...there is a lot to cover when you are leaving five kids! Ou dinner reservations weren't until 8:15 so we headed to Lakewood Country Club for a cocktail....they have the best dirty martinis!

 Then off to Lark on the Park. Super fun spot and yummy food! Such a fun night with these great peeps!

And today we celebrated with donuts, kolaches, and breakfast tacos....calories on your birthday don't count, right? And of course these guys! Aren't they so darn cute? Poor G was napping so he missed out...but I know there will be many more opportunities!

After everyone headed home we took the boys up to the pool for a little bit. We haven't been in over a month and I can't believe summer is about to be over! Anyhow...the rest of the day we spent at home just hanging with the boys. Kevin grilled some steaks and we had some cookie cake for desert! Such a wonderful way to spend the day!

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