Saturday, July 27, 2013

Summer Fun

I can't believe we are halfway though summer already! He's a look at what we have been up to so far...

Ryan did two weeks of camp at HPUMC and loved it! His friends Charlie and Ford were also in his class so he was excited to go every day - especially splash week! The first week was sports camp and the second splash camp. I tried to pick him up a little early one day so that I could get him and Grayson to nap at the same time but he was so upset with me because he didn't want to leave. Oops...won't do that again. We go for another session in August - lego week! I am sure he will have a blast!

We have been loving music every Wednesday afternoon and I have been able to take the boys to the same class (which is really nice). Most kids in there are siblings and they are around the same ages so it works perfectly...but a little chaotic for any newbies. Anyhow, Grayson loves to crawl around and play with everyone while Ryan tends to stay close to me. Such different personalities! 

And of course there is a lot of playing at home! The boys are starting to interact and play together which is great for them and for me :)

I have also had lots of fun girl nights - here we are at Driftwood (our D restaurant) celebrating Lauren's birthday! So much fun!

And at Sur La Table (with Nat) for Susanne's bachelorette party!
We made it to the zoo with our friends Charlie and Evie. The boys had a blast with the exception of feeding the giraffe - Grayson was not a fan!

Charlie and Ryan checking out the cheetah

Packed swimsuits so they could play around in the children's area and of course we had to ride the carousel on the way out!

We have been spending lots of time with friends! 
Visiting with Jack!

Hanging with Hayes at the Arboretum!

I have also had time to do some organizing and rearranging...of course with my special helper!

And of course lots of water time!

Also lots of cooking! Ryan loves to help out in the kitchen so I have been trying to include him when I can. Here we are making brownies! Yum!

We love going on walks around the neighborhood. We usually head down to the park and/or stop by our cousins house! Here are the boys eating some PB&J while we walk. 

And when it gets too hot we play in the playroom! The boys really love the tent that Yia Yia and I made.  

Although it looks like Ryan is trying to strangle Grayson here I can assure you it was a hug!

Playing with Grayson's tootsies!

It's been such a wonderful summer so far! We look forward to our trip (with our cousins) up to Montana to visit Gigi and Papa - I know the boys will have a blast!

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