Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Grayson's First Days

Day One:
Hanging with daddy
Uncle Bryan & Aunt Terra are your first visitors! (They were Ryan's too!)
The Sun's stopped by next but mommy forgot to take a picture!
Next up came Nat, Andy, Lindsey and Colin. 

Your brother Ryan spent the day with your cousins and everyone came to meet you that afternoon!
Lyla LOVES to hold you

Big E holding you

Ryan wasn't so sure of you at first....but by the end of his visit he was giving you kisses!

So sweet!

Exhausted from your first day of life

Day Two:
Quiet day at the hospital resting...

Of course Yiayia and Ryan came to visit

Day Three:
Some alone time with mommy

Your going home outfit...
As you will see this isn't the most traditional going home outfit but I realized once I was there that I hadn't really thought things through. I had a sweet little blue outfit but it was a gown and I wanted you to have pants since you were going in the car seat. 

Time to go home

Daddy driving us home
My sweet little boys

Home Sweet Home

Ryan showing off his little brother

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