Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grayson - Two Weeks

This morning Grayson and I headed to see Dr. Neely for Grayson's 2 week check up. 

Everything went great and little G is back up to his birth weight! yay!

Weight: 6lbs 14.5 oz (.5 over birth weight) (10%)
Height: 22 inches (80%)
Head: 36.5 cm (45%)

I really thought his weight would be more in the average range but apparently not. Oh well - my little man is growing and is healthy so that's all that matters to me! No shots this time but he did get the ol heel prick - I hate that. Grayson cried a little but I was able to calm him down and he nursed right he was happy as a clam when we left. 

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