Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Grayson & Dominic

When I was pregnant with Grayson I knew about 10 other people that were also pregnant and due around the same time - so crazy how pregnancies tend to happen in waves. Anyhow, my friend Whitney and I had due dates only a week apart, but we actually delivered only a day apart! And we both had little boys! Yay for boys! Our schedules over the past year have been so crazy that we really haven't gotten to hang out that much but now that we have little boys so close in age I am hoping we see a lot more of each other! Last week my mother-in-law and I made the trip over to Whitney and Nicks to meet their new little bundle of joy - Dominic.

Mary (Grandma) with Dominic Michael 

Terry (Dom's grandma) with Grayson

These little dudes actually weigh about the same in this picture! Dom had just gotten back from his 2 week appt and was weighing it at around 6lbs 14oz and Gray had his 2 week appointment the next day where we found out he weighed about the same! So excited about our future play dates!

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