Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ft. Worth Zoo

On Sunday of Labor Day weekend we made plans to venture out to the Ft. Worth Zoo with some friends. Ryan and I had never been to the Ft. Worth Zoo so we were pretty excited - also excited to have daddy come along!

It took us about 40 minutes to get there 
We saw big ol gorillas and rhinos - and the new baby rhino (pictured above with his mamma - it's hard to see him)

Ryan loved this little bubble!

Loved the zebra's and giraffe's - the baby giraffe was so cute! 

Ryan and Andy checking out the alligators...or crocodiles...I am not sure which

Feeding the birds! Little R thought that was pretty cool although he pushed a couple birds off their perch trying to shove the food at them. Silly boy!

And then it was time for the carousel. This was Ryan's first ride so he was a little cautious - but as you can see Andy loved it!

Kevin with Jack

A quick ride on the train!

We had such a fun time and loved visiting the Ft.Worth Zoo. It was getting hot and this momma was tired from walking around all morning so we packed it up and headed home around noon. When we got home we were all pooped so we got a nice long nap in...who knew what would be in store for us later!!! Who knew this would be our last outing as a family of three!

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