Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bath Time

Today Grayson finally had his first bath! Yay! Yup - he is 15 days old and just getting his first bath. (I should note that my mom actually gave him two sponge baths while she was in town, but I was waiting for his umbilical cord and circumcision cap to fall off before he got his first real bath.)

Since daddy was at work I recruited another little helper - Ryan! I was a little worried that he might try and turn the faucets on the whole time but luckily he kinda just sat there and watched...

Just hanging out ready for his bath!

Watching his little bro

Ryan picked out a hot pink wash cloth to use

Little Grayson did so well! He didn't cry or anything...just kinda hung out and enjoyed it. Yay for bath time!

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