Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to School

Ryan started the fall semester of Mother's Day Out today at Wilshire Early Childhood Learning Center.  This is the same school he went to last year however we are now going on Monday's and Wednesday this year (my fault - I missed registration day!) Anyhow, since I was in the hospital with Grayson Kevin and my mom got Ryan ready for school, packed up his lunch and his bag and took some pictures for me. 
They said he started out ok but quickly was over the picture taking. That's how it goes....

Here is the little guy at school with the fish tank - he loves it. 

Although I took him to his "Meet the Teachers" day last week I actually don't remember his teachers names.  They usually give an information sheet and I forgot to pick one I need to do that. Even though we attended last year and over the summer we don't really know anyone in our class - only one little boy (from Kindermusic). It is probably because most of our friends are Tuesday/Thursdays and the new people are Monday/Wednesday. I guess that means we just get to meet new friends!

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